The Enthusiasts! NYC Wine Club First Meeting Introduction - Big Six Grapes

Whether you agree or disagree with the phrase "big six grapes" that is the theme of the wine club's first meeting! Based on a few wine books I have read, some wine professionals lump the following together as the six basic grapes: Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah/Shiraz.

If you are interested about starting your own wine club, here's an overview of our structure:

  • Once a month we will pick a host/hostess who chooses the theme of the tasting
  • The host/hostess researches the theme and provides a brief overview of the topic, region, grape or winery (depending on how the theme is structured).
  • Tasting party! Every member has a tasting sheet and rates each bottle of wine.
  • Afterwards, the host/hostess will send a summary of the event and reviews back to me and I will post it on the blog for the group to review!

Below is the suggestion list I sent to my guests to help them with their wine shopping before the event!


1. Riesling

From Germany*, Alsace, France or Austria

2. Sauvignon Blanc

From Loire Valley (France), New Zealand, Bordeaux or Coastal California.

3. Chardonnay+

From Burgundy (look for Macon or Puilly-Fuisse* on bottle) or Coastal California.

4. Pinot Noir+

From Burgundy, Oregon*, New Zealand*, or California*

5. Merlot/Cabernet Sauvignon

From Washington State, California, Chile*

6. Shiraz/Syrah

From Northern Rhone (France), Australia, Chile*, Argentina*, South Africa*

* = wines/regions I think may be easier to find/better quality for a more affordable price.

+ = wines that would be beneficial to have 2 of (Chardonnary, try one with oak and one without; Pinot Noir, try one new world (everywhere else), one old world (Europe).

Stay tuned for my research sheet on the above wines and the group reviews!
