Photo Confessions: Vintner Tips
"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance." ~Benjamin Franklin
"You're making wine at home?!?!" It is true ladies and gents, I am experimenting with the fine art of wine making in the comfort of my own home. Full disclosure, it is actually a family hobby. My dad started making wine for the family and as the family wine nerd, I was quickly nominated as assistant. Which brings us today's Photo Confession - photos from the factory floor!
Phase 1: Primary Fermentation
A few batches in, I have learned its actually pretty easy to do. (Easy, but not cheap). All you need to do is by the equipment and a wine making kit (I suggest starting
). These wine making kits come complete with grape juice, yeast, preservatives and even oak! Just follow the straight forward instructions and in a few weeks you will have 30 bottles of wine for consumption at home!
So, what happens during the wine making process? First, the grape juice goes through
primary fermentation,
which is the initial mixing of the juice and yeast to start fermentation. Second, the wine is transferred from a fermenter to holding tank for
secondary fermentation.
During this process, it is important to focus on
stabilizing and clearing
the wine of floating particles. Finally, the wine is racked and clarified once more before the final step of
Phase 4: Bottling
The whole process takes a little over two months. Thus far, the family has made an unoaked Chardonnay, Riesling, Chianti, and currently working on a Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. All have received rave reviews!
So, if you have some extra space, extra time, and extra funds - I would definitely give wine making at home a chance! It's only fermented grape juice after all - you can handle it! Until next time!